Renault R19 R19
Brand: Renault
Family : R19
Model: R19
Engine: C2J
Model: R19
Model Code: B53J

Centre floor panel for Renault R19 R19

Centre Floor Panel: Structural Component and Interior Design Element

The Centre Floor Panel in a car is a central structural component, crucial for stability and interior design. Discover its role in weight distribution, thermal insulation, and more in our OEM catalog.

Key Features

The Centre Floor Panel:

  • Contributes to vehicle stability and structural integrity
  • Supports weight distribution for optimal handling and performance
  • Acts as a thermal and acoustic insulator for comfort
  • Provides mounting points for seats and interior components
  • Accommodates wiring for efficient organization of electrical components

Precision Engineering

Manufactured with precision to ensure seamless fit and robustness, the Centre Floor Panel connects various components and enhances overall vehicle performance.

Importance in Modern Vehicles

As automotive designs evolve for safety, performance, and comfort, the Centre Floor Panel remains a vital element, showcasing the fusion of engineering precision and user-centric design.